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Mental wellbeing is not a one-size fits all approach.
MAPs offers Online Mindfulness Programs customized for specific professions and populations delivered through self-paced learning modules.

Female Nurse with Patient
healthcare professionals,

it's time to give energy and attention to you.

not just the people you care for.

You as a Healthcare Professional are stressed.
And why wouldn't you be?

With the healthcare system being stretched and mounting pressures of EHRS, paperwork, and administrative tasks, Nurses and Healthcare Professionals are burning the candle at both ends. To make matters worse, you are not able to spend adequate time with your patients, despite putting in 50-80 hours per week. Additionally, disrespect from administrators, bullying and harassment from coworkers, and difficult interactions with patients and families contribute to a stressful work environment. This leads to emotional and physical exhaustion, feelings of overwhelm, and burnout.

Approximately 33% of new nurses leave the workforce within the first two years,1 costing a hospital or medical center 2x the annual salary to replace each nurse.2 The average cost of nurse turnover per institution is about $5 million a year.3

Nationally, the Physician burnout rate is approximately 43%,4 leading to medical errors, lack of patience towards patients and families, increased sick days, and turnover. 

As a healthcare professional, you are committed to caring for others. But are you caring for yourself?

2Nursing Solutions, Inc., 2018.
3Nursing Solutions, Inc., 2021 
4Medscape, 2020

Mindful Awareness Practices (MAPs) for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals was developed because you care so much for others, now it's time to care for YOU.

What is MAPs for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals?

Mindfulness for Healthcare Professionals, taught by a Registered Nurse

A comprehensive approach to stress management for healthcare professionals. Our 10 module online program is specifically designed for individuals working within the healthcare profession.

Our courses are rooted in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Self-Compassion.

You will learn how to create sustainable rituals for self-care, cultivate resilience, and explore various Mindful Awareness Practices.

This is not another thing you have to do for your patients. This is for YOU.

Male Nurse

What Will I Learn?

Approximately 11 hours of video content and practice exercises covering the following topics:

Module 1
 Introduction to
Mindfulness & Self-Care

Meet your program co-hosts, get an introduction to the foundations of Mindfulness, and learn the importance of practicing sustainable self-care rituals as a Healthcare Professional.

Module 2
& Focus

Build your capacity to focus. Learn to calm your mind, focus your attention, and stay present with what is happening inside you and around you.

Module 3
Positive Emotions
& Gratitude

Understand why positive emotions have a significant impact on our resilience and how to cultivate them in daily life. Start to give yourself permission to feel good and contribute to your own wellbeing.

Module 4
Dealing with Stress
& Discomfort

Explore the science of stress and understand our inherent “negativity bias” as humans. Learn how to be present with feelings of discomfort and negative emotions in order to transform your experience with stressful situations.

Module 5
& Resilience

Take a closer look at your ingrained habits and patterns that may no longer be serving you. Understand how to navigate periods of transition in order to foster growth and resilience.

Module 6
& Hopefulness

Explore foundational Positive Psychology topics such as Grit, Character Strengths, and Hopefulness to help shift your perspective and develop a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

Module 7
Compassion for
Yourself & Others

Discover what Self-Compassion truly is and the various practices you can use to cultivate deeper compassion for yourself and others. Use Self-Compassion to prevent and heal stress and burnout and provide a sense of balance in your daily life and work.

Module 8
Mindfulness in
Clinical Care

Learn how to apply the practices of Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Self-Compassion to the specific context of your work in Healthcare. Explore practical exercises and tools to use at work in order to be more present with patients and families. It’s time to care for you, the caregiver.

Module 9
& Connection

Use Mindfulness to communicate with more presence, clarity, and patience to help strengthen your connection with others. Learn useful communication strategies and phrases in order to respond to triggers in a more skillful way.

Module 10
a Practice

As the program comes to a close, learn how you can continue your exploration of Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Self-Compassion with both formal and informal practices. Consider how you can continue practicing sustainable self-care in a way that works for you. While the modules have come to an end, your journey has only just begun!

Meet your expert guides
Cory is a former monk, mindfulness advisor for the Dr. Oz show, and bestselling author. He has taught Mindful Leadership at Columbia University, is an instructor of Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, and for the last ten years has offered mindfulness workshops and retreats around the world. Named by Dr. Oz as one of the nation’s leading experts on mindfulness, his meditations have been heard more than 10 million times in over 100 countries. Cory is the host of the top ranked podcast, Practicing Human, host of the mindfulness app and platform,, and author of the bestselling book, Stop Missing Your Life: How to Be Deeply Present in an Un-Present World.
Cory Muscara, MAPP
Program Co-Host
and Multi-Program Contributor
Susan is a clinician, mindfulness teacher, researcher, and meditation practitioner, whose lifework integrates mindfulness practices and contemplative wisdom to foster well-being. A former bedside registered nurse and NIH funded researcher, Susan was the founding director of the Compassionate Care Initiative and Kluge Professor of Contemplative End-of-Life Care at the University of Virginia prior to her current role as president of the Mind & Life Institute. A Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing and author of nearly 100 scholarly papers, Susan is also the author of a book for the lay public, Leaves Falling Gently: Living Fully with Serious & Life-Limiting Illness through Mindfulness, Compassion & Connectedness. For over two decades, she has been a teacher of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and led resiliency retreats and workshops, particularly for individuals facing medical challenges and for professionals working in healthcare.
Susan Bauer-Wu, Ph.D, RN, FAAN
Program Co-Host

"MAPs for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals offers ways to feel less stressed, feel more whole, think more clearly, and be more connected. Connected to who you are, connected with the patients and families you serve, and reconnected with the meaning of why you were called to, and continue to do, this very important work."

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