Stress Management & Well-Being Resource Library

Self-paced digital resource library featuring experiential learning tailored for specific professions and populations. Customized content is rooted in the fields of Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Self-Compassion, offering a broad range of skills, techniques, and resources to cultivate self-care and resilience. Each content library features between 6-10+ hours of engaging video content, practice exercises, and additional resources.

Woman standing next to laptop in office

Tailored Content Libraries

Business man in suitBusiness man with suit in front of book shelfPortrait of nurseMan sitting on couch with notepad and pen
Teacher smiling in classroomYoung student smilingPortrait of young man in blue shirtSportsperson playing American football
Pregnant woman in white shirtWoman painting a pictureWoman with sunglasses and hot drink at the beach smiling

What's included?

Virtual Retreats
expert instructors

All programs are co-hosted by a subject matter expert within the specific profession or population.

Additional Resources

Lessons with experts in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Self-Compassion.

Self-Paced Learning Modules
experiential Retreats

Each program includes a recorded retreat to support your practice.

Guided Meditations
Guided Meditations

An extensive library of guided meditations and practices that you can take and use anywhere.

Online Community
additional resources

Includes reflection exercises, research references, and additional resources to help you on your journey.

Content Library Demonstration

Let’s get started on your custom

employee wellness solution!
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